These images are almost a year old, but I just now finally got around to working on them. Last November I went up to Longview and made arrangements to go out on the lake for both sunset and sunrise. I had hoped to catch some remnants of fall color, but when I got there it was obvious I was a couple of weeks late. I was also plagued with boring blue skies, and knew pretty much as I was shooting that the images out on the open part of the lake were going to be a bust. But trawling through the back-channels during the latest (and earliest) parts of the day, we did have some interesting light; and I hoped there would be something salvageable from the trip.
When I got home I shelved the Caddo images of favor of other more promising stuff, meaning to come back to them at some later date. But I never seemed to get around to it, and kept putting them off. Finally this week I decided to take a look. Without the fresh disappointment of not getting the images I originally hoped for, I found there were some possibly interesting images, even if they were different in style from what I first wanted. I still want to catch the peak colors there someday though... To view the images, click here or on the image above.